‘Smith’s painting remained rooted…in the real and earthy, not to say the salty, life of Lewis and its fishermen and women’.
★★★★ Duncan Macmillan, Scotsman
Eileanach: Na dealbhan aig Dòmhnall Mac a’ Ghobhainn
29mh An Cèitean 2021 – 26mh An t-Sultain 2021
Rugadh e ann an Leòdhas dùthchail ann an 1926 agus b’e Dòmhnall Iain Mac a ’Ghobhainn, mar a sgrìobh Ian Fleming, Prionnsapal Sgoil Ealain Gray ann an 1958 “an oileanach air leth den bhliadhna aige… gun teagamh fear le comas mòr mar neach-ealain”. Dh’aithnich e na dhealbhan, gluasadan san Roinn Eòrpa agus ann an Ameireagaidh ach dh’ fhan e gu tur ionadail na chuspair. Bhon stiùidio air taobh an iar Leòdhais, far an do dh’ obraich e bho 1974 gu bhàis ann an 2014, tha ìomhaighean dian, liriceach de iasgairean is boireannaich nan eilean a’ comharrachadh an spiorad daonna do-chreidsinneach. Chaidh a’ chiad taisbeanadh mòr den obair aige, an taisbeanadh ainmeil seo, a chruthachadh ann an com-pàirteachas leis An Lanntair, Steòrnabhagh agus tha e mar phàirt de Fhèis Ealain Dhùn Èideann 2021.
Islander: the Paintings of Donald Smith
29 May 2021 – 26 September 2021
Born in rural Lewis in 1926, Donald John Smith was, as Gray’s School of Art Principal Ian Fleming wrote in 1958 – ‘the outstanding student of his year … unquestionably a man of great ability as an artist’. His painting acknowledged movements in Europe and America but remained resolutely local in its subject matter. From his studio on the west side of Lewis where he worked from 1974 to his death in 2014, his intense, lyrical images of island fishermen and women celebrate their indomitable human spirit. The first major exhibition of his work, this landmark display has been created in partnership with An Lanntair, Stornoway and is part of Edinburgh Art Festival 2021.
Visitors to the gallery can also enjoy the free mini display Joan Eardley (1921 - 1963). Four artworks from the City Art Centre's permanent collection are on display: Girl in a Striped Cardigan, Tenement, Old Woman Sewing and July Fields. The display is available to view on the ground floor until 10 October 2021 - this is part of the nationwide programme of events marking the centenary of the birth of Joan Eardley.
Iasgar Mor, oil on board, by Donald Smith (1926-2014)

Virtual tour
Islander: the Paintings of Donald Smith