As part of our programme for the exhibition Robert Callender: Plastic Beach… poetry of the everyday, Andrew Patrizio will introduce the work of well-known and highly respected Scottish artist Robert Callender (1932-2011), who made an artform out of combing the beaches of Scotland, particularly its far North Western reaches. His work delights audiences with its clever technique but there is a darker message behind the magnificent objects he made. Andrew Patrizio is Professor of Scottish Visual Culture at Edinburgh College of Art. His own writing and curating focusses on both Scottish art since 1945 and ecological themes. He was the author of a chapter on the artist for the major portfolio book A2B: Robert Callender in 2015.
Free event, but booking essential. To book, please contact the City Art Centre reception on 0131 529 3993 or visit
The Artist as Beachcomber: A Tour of the Work of Robert Callender