Alec Finlay, Day of Access
Travelling Gallery is delighted to be working with Alec Finlay to support Day of Access, a powerful campaign which encourages estates to open their land to allow access for people affected by disability. By using hill tracks and four-wheel drives, people who have never been able to immerse themselves in wild nature are driven into the heart Scotland’s beautiful wild landscape.
The Day of Access campaign passionately believes that everyone should have the opportunity to experience wild nature.
Travelling Gallery will act as the campaign bus touring Day of Access across Scotland; presenting information and artworks and allowing a space for discussions. Documentation from the pilot Day of Access, including work by young photographer Sam McDiarmid, will be exhibited in an art installation created by Finlay.
Alongside his own work Alec has invited other artists and poets to exhibit including Hannah Devereaux, Alison Lloyd, Ken Cockburn and Mhairi Law; each bringing their own creativity and experience to the project. The work is collaboratively displayed like a scrap book or diary pinned on a garden trellis, alongside other domestic apparatus and soft furnishings, such as blankets, a clothes horse, and hankies.
Travelling Gallery continues to bring contemporary art to communities throughout Scotland. Its dual focus is to create highly engaging exhibitions and to provide a unique platform for creative learning.
Curated with Travelling Gallery’s diverse audience in mind, the exhibitions display innovative artistic practices, representative of the best Scottish and International art scene. Travelling Gallery is a ‘not for profit’ organisation, regularly funded by Creative Scotland and supported by the City of Edinburgh Council.
For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook or Twitter @travgallery

Alec Finlay, Day of Access